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Creative English Learning

While the ability to learn is a gift, the willingness to learn is a choice. Students’ motivation of learning English and enhancing English proficiency is very important to the success of their learning journey. Therefore, the classes at Enggo are specially designed with a good range of activities for students to put skills into practice so that they learn for meaning.



At ENGGO, We Grow Beyond Tradition

Being able to read, listen to, write, and speak English is no longer enough for our children because the future has more to ask of them. They are required to be able to read and analyze information across disciplines effectively, and be a competent communicator to work with people of different backgrounds.
At Enggo, we teach beyond the traditional drilling practices, but try out different teaching approaches appropriate to the learning needs of individuals. We engage the students in taking a step further to grow beyond grammar and vocabulary in our goal of developing them into competent English users who can grow to become successful all along their journey from study to work.


Monotony Drains Motivation &
Curiosity Fuels Learning

Oftentimes, we hear young learners complaining about studying: grammar is too difficult to understand and vocabulary is hard to memorize.

‘Why are we learning this at school?’

'Why do we need to do homework?’

'‘It is very stressful to go to tutorial classes at weekends.’


While the traditional way of learning English drains the motivation away from students, reluctance to learn results in students’ falling behind at school. To help our students to become better learners, they need to be motivated and see learning as fulfilling, and rewarding, and most importantly INTERESTING.

While the ability to learn is a gift, the willingness to learn is a choice.

Children were born with the precious gift of curiosity that fuels learning and prompts everyone to take one step further to explore what is new around them.

While school teachers may focus more on learning the basics and fundamentals of English language, ENGGO aims to cultivate the learning motivation of students so that they learn about the world through the lens of English.

Beyond Traditional Learning

New approach to learning English

We understand that every individual is a self-explorer and learns differently. Therefore, they should not be forced to learn by repetition and practice solely through monotonous exercises with ticks and crosses indicating their ability when it is often not the case.

Classes at ENGGO are designed with a good range of activities for students


  • to find meaning of what they are learning to grow to be more independent learners;

  • to take plan, organize, and take ownership of their learning;

  • to challenge themselves through the learning process to become better English users; and,

  • to collaborate with each other in a communicative environment and inquire further to their own interest areas - source of motivation.




+852 5587 7588

荃灣 西樓角路1-17號 新領域廣場
10樓 1007室
Room 1007, 10/F, Grand City Plaza,

1-17 Sai Lau Kok Rd, Tsuen Wan, N.T.

  • Send us a Whatsapp Msg now
  • ENGGO Creative English Learning Center



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